Monday, January 30, 2012

A first birthday party for JJ

JJ's first birthday party was Saturday. I did not sew a stitch for it. I had big plans to make him a shirt, or a softie or... something. But you know, it didn't happen, and I am OK with that. He had a perfectly cute party without something hand-sewn by Mama. I did a few crafty touches, made a lot of food, cleaned my house (with a huge huge helping hand from my mother-in-law) and called it a day. Parties are a lot of work. Yes? We can agree on this? Every time we have one, a couple hours before the party, I think to myself, I am never doing this again.  But then once everything comes together, and all the people are there, of course, it all seems worth it.

I was a lovely time. I'm just having issues lately about what's too much. Don't mind me.

Anyway, thought I'd share a few photos.

I found the "My First Birthday" shirt at Marshall's a few days before the party, and for $5, I was sold. It was cute. It took one thing off my to-do list. Check, check.

I did a photo timeline, strung on twine, around the basement, where we held the party. I found the mini colored clothespins at Jo-Anns, and they were really cute. I used about 45 photos -- almost all of the clothespins! I loved how this looked, and at the end of the party, I told everyone they could take a photo or two as a party favor.

I made the cake the day before, using the recipe from my inspiration post. I made two layer cakes, so the cake ended up pretty enormous. But he really only ate the little section right on the top of one side. I really wanted to make him a cake from scratch and really REALLY wanted to see him make a mess with it. Mission accomplished there.

For the adults, we got a chocolate peanut-butter cake from Pinwheel Bakery in Ferndale, and it was so delicious. I highly recommend. This thing was gone in an instant!

One fun thing we did was have everyone complete a time capsule for JJ to open on his 18th birthday. This was a big hit. Now the only issue... keeping track of the responses for 17 years!

For the door, I did a fairly simple wreath. Yarn wrapped a wreath form and then stuck these adorable mini-pinwheels into one side to make a cute arrangement. I stuck a "Happy Birthday" sticker on top because I ran out of time to do what I really wanted, which was make a little flag banner that said those words. Ah well. I think it's pretty cute.

I am a bit in disbelief that my baby is one. It's bittersweet. Babyhood is the best. And this little guy... he is the sweetest, most cuddly little one. It's been a most fabulous year with him, it really has.


  1. Wow, love all your ideas for JJ's first birthday party. I love your timeline of photos all strung together like a banner. And your time capsule... he will love reading them on this 18th birthday. Love the shirt you found for JJ ... I do see that was not for wearing when he had his cake :) Great job on the party, MOM.

    1. Thanks so much! I did indeed strip the guy down to a diaper for the cake smash. We wanted him to wear the shirt again Tuesday, which his actual birthday. And I didn't want to do laundry. Haha. :)

  2. Oh wow, that looks like it went great! Glad he delivered on the cake thing for you, and love the time capsule idea :o)

    1. Thanks, Katy! I wish I could remember where that time capsule idea came from... Maybe Pinterest?

  3. Aw, happy birthday JJ! Looks like he had a great time (and really loved his cake!)

    1. Thanks, Jen! He did have a blast. And yes, the cake was a hit. On his birthday yesterday we gave him a cupcake and his lip was quivering with excitement when we set it in front of him. I guess the cake made an impression!
