Friday, April 1, 2011

Things I am digging

Every Friday, I'm going to share a few links to thinks that have caught my fancy in the previous week. For now, I'm going to try to fit them into a few categories: stuff to make for kids, sewing stuff, stuff to ponder and stuff to eat. 

FOR KIDS: Love these adorable ABC magnets. They are so cute. I want a cute fridge. What do I have? A fridge covered with all sorts of eye-bleedingly ugly plastic toyish magnets. Nothing that screams cute. So I'm sticking this tute in the file, even if it sounds like one that could drive me bonkers. She says it took her three days to make these babies. I don't know if I have it in me to work for three days on magnets. But they are adorable, that's for sure! From the blog Little Lucy Luz.

FOR SEWING: Wish I had seen this tutorial on single binding a small item before I finished my first mug rug! No doubt, the binding really is the hardest part. Turns out that's maybe because I've been doing it wrong! Or maybe not wrong, but at least ineffectively. Take a look at this tutorial by Very Kerry Berry if you are in the dark like me. This is also a time suck, beware. She ends the tutorial by saying it's certainly not a "speedy" method of binding.

TO PONDER: This series of posts on Biblical submission at a blog called Girl Talk has me thinking. It is one of the hardest issues I think there is for a wife who happens to want to follow Christ. This post I linked to gets into the excuses we make to disobey God's call for us to be submissive. My excuse is on the list. Oh snap! It's a whole series of posts, not just the one I linked to. They're very short so you need to read a bunch to get a sense of the message. Valuable reading though that I've been thinking about ever since.

TO MUNCH: This sounds a little crazy -- homemade peppermint paddies with a secret ingredient of... potatoes? I admit, my first reaction was blech. I don't want potatoes in my sweets. But the photos are kind of convincing. Plus the ratio is 10 CUPS of powdered sugar vs. one cup of potatoes. So truly, this is just sugar and more sugar and then some more sugar with a tiny bit of potatoes. I can handle that. Click over for the recipe!

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