
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deep thoughts while sitting in my quiet dining room all by myself

I am in my house in the middle of the day -- alone! It is the most amazing thing. My kids will be returning here at any moment though, but I thought I'd attempt to steal a moment to share a couple of interesting reading links for you.

 This post on Maybe Matilda said a lot of what I've been fighting internally when it comes to my blog. I know it is a cop out to just point to her post and say, more or less, "Ditto!" But that's what I'm doing. You understand. I think going through a blogging identity-and-time-suck crisis happens to most bloggers at some point. So I really do feel like in this case, she said what I -- and probably a lot of other people -- are thinking. And then the bottom line: just blog you. Write about what you want to write, when you want to write about it. It's your blog. She summed up that realization here -- and also shared a tutorial for a super-easy infinity scarf, which I plan to make the next time I sit down at my machine.

Here's another "deep thoughts" type post that spoke to me. Rachel at Stitched in Color wrote about the issue of "too much inspiration." I suffer from this as well. Can I blame Pinterest? OK? Good. Well, Pinterest as well as the vast internet sea of amazing talent. It's all so much, and while I love reading and soaking it all up... I can spend so much time doing so, that I am then all spent up. I have no time for writing, for sewing, or for thinking. You must give your creativity space. That's a big part of what my hiatus has been about. We all need a break sometimes.  Rachel said all this more eloquently than I, and then there were oodles of comments where the discussion continued. Fine reading (if you have the space and time to read it, of course). :)

Finally: I wrote this article for my day job about three lovely craft rooms. It was a wonderful project and I loved seeing each room. There's a photo gallery, so you can see them as well. As much as I need the mental space to find creativity, my physical space also needs work. Organization, attention, cleanliness, all of that. I need to make getting my space there -- and keeping it there -- a priority if my sewing is ever going to get back on track.

Oh, and one final thing! I have a goal of sharing more interviews for The Sewing Circle Series. There are many bloggers out there I know I'd love to interview. But I'd love to hear your suggestions as well. Who would you like to know more about? And it is OK to nominate yourself. Drop me a comment or an email at

That's all! I am going to go enjoy my last moments of blissful silence before my two sweets come back to tear the place apart with their beautiful noise.


  1. Oh I had a huge case of the guilts when I started moving my blog subjects from only bears and my business towards sewing/quilting - I have no idea why, about 90 out of my 97 followers didn't even seem to notice or care (at least they never comment, so I wouldn't know either way lol) and the rest happily followed along!

    I too have a giggle at the 'OMG, I'm SO sorry I've been gone, like, 5 days' posts, usually, because much as I read the best part of 250 blogs, I rarely have a clue when one drops off the radar for a while until they post one of those announcements!

    Totally organising my creative space and time over new year made a huge difference to me, I'm suddenly producing much more, and having more to blog about as a consequence - it was totally freeing, and I love it! So if you're thinking of having a total 52 card pick up type of creative space rearrangement, then go for it, you'll feel so much better :o)

    As for interviews, I'll not nominate myself, I don't think you want to lose followers ;o)

  2. Though i'm a week late, just wanted to say i enjoyed reading this. I took a little sewing break after christmas and really could not get myself back into it! (partly because 2 of the handmade gifts i made for my daughter went completely unnoticed and unused!)I did end up moving my entire sewing space to another room and i must say that it was just the thing i needed!
