
Saturday, February 11, 2012

An afternoon sewing for Africa


I broke out of my sewing funk this afternoon and attended a sewing event for the non-profit Little Dresses for Africa.  It was held through my friend Jen's church, Mercy Road.

Our sewing station. Jen and I are so cute with our matching sewing machines.

They were so lovely to have this food spread for all the volunteers.

The workspace, everyone hard at work.

They had all sorts of ribbon and other embellishments for us to play with.

A pile of completed dresses.

Here's me hard at work!

This was Charity, who led the event.

There were all different stations around the room. Here they're cutting.

Even some men came to help! You can see the plaid shirt of one on the right.

The busy ironing station.

My friend Jen's friend Kendal works my very best friend, the seam ripper.

We embellished this one with a fabric yo-yo flower. The first fabric yo-yos I made in my life! I finished them last week and brought them with.

My friend Jen and me. We never have photos together, so now at least there's this one of me looking rather rough. :)
 It felt good! Really good. Good to sew again, good to make something and not worry about it being perfect. Nice to just focus on one thing and not the entire scope of a project (finding a pattern, finding the fabric, cutting, pinning, ironing, etc.). At my station, all we did was attach the bias tape, which finished the pillow case dresses. They came to us with everything else done, and the bias tape even pinned into place. On a few, we did add some cute finishing touches, too.

A lovely Saturday afternoon, I'd say! What are you up to today?

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely and productive way to spend the day :o) I cut and sewed some blocks and hacked up a lung and tried to swallow (sorry, was that last bit TMI? ;o) )
