
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 resolutions

From seller grey square.
 I can go a little crazy with my New Year's resolutions. (I even used to have a blog about completing 20 of them!)

This year, I'm trying to keep it a bit more simple. The other day, I tweeted a short list of resolutions, and it covers the basics. I wrote: "2012 resolutions: Focus on gratitude. Make my kids laugh really hard every day. Run outside more. Take it slow. Create as much as possible."

When I say, "Create as much as possible," I mean a few things. Sewing, of course! Taking photos I love. Writing. And whatever else inspires me.... Embroidery? Yes, I think embroidery, too. I'd like to do more of that in 2012.

From my Pinterest page, original source here.

When it comes to the sewing part, there are a few other bullet points to note. I want to work on my skills. Hone the ones I have and add some new ones. I'd like to take some sort of class (whether online or in person). I'd like to have at least one sewing lock-down day or weekend with a friend, where we hang out together with our sewing machines. (Hint hint, Jen.) I'd like to try new types of projects, which shouldn't be a problem with me. Yup, I have 77 projects on my Pinterest board!

Mini quilt by Jeni at In Color Order.
 And maybe one of the new things I try would be a quilt. Even just a small, mini quilt. Come on, Krista! Quilts aren't that scary! And I'd like to try sewing more with fabrics besides quilting cotton, especially knits for myself.

Inspiring sewing space. Originally found here.
Finally, I'd also like to make my sewing nook a more inspiring place. It's sort of a wild mess most of the time, and it could use more art work or sources of inspiration. So that's something to work on.

But the biggest thing, bigger than the individual sewing desires, is the gratitude. I want to bask in the gratitude this year. It's easy to get away from it. To think about what I don't have. To wish for grander things. It's a bad habit, and I want to be much more mindful of it this year. I'm going to start a gratitude journal. A place to write down my thanks, because writing things down always helps. And I'm open to any advice you have on how you stay thankful and away from negative comparisons.

Do you make resolutions? What are your resolutions, and especially what are those that will shape your creative life this year?

1 comment:

  1. Great goals for the year. But only 77 projects to do pinned? Lightweight ;o)

    Hope you have a fabulous year :o)
