
Monday, October 31, 2011

Henry Shirt Sew-Along, Day Five -- not quite yet

Oooooo boy. Today is supposed to be my post for Day Five of the Henry Shirt Sew Along... And it's not ready! Halloween mostly is what did me in. I am done with the sewing for Day Five, which includes attaching the yoke and sleeve. But I did have a rather major issue this time. Everything was going so well, and then I misread one diagram and I had to backtrack and undo some stitching. In the end, it all worked out, but it put me behind a bit. But eh, that's life, right??

Check out Leila's blog for her progress, or hey, start at the beginning and catch up and join us! Or check back tonight. I'll be back then with my full report on Day Five!

1 comment:

  1. My mom made my kids their costumes this year... I don't know how you got costumes done and still got through yesterday's post for the sewalong. Can't wait to see how your shirt is turning out.
