
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Easy DIY Halloween costume, take two

Are you ready for the easiest DIY Halloween costume ever?

And dare I say, one of the cutest?

Here it is!

Charlie Brown!

This was Luke's costume when he was 1. I can't even remember him being this small. Crazy. But wasn't he a doll? Let me tell you, if you have a smallish boy, you should really consider Charlie Brown. It's just so nostalgic and cute. Tons of compliments will flow your way, believe me. And it's very simple.

Step one: find a yellow T-shirt. I got mine at a thrift store.

Step two: Use a Sharpie to draw a big zig-zag along the bottom of the shirt. Or if you want to be a little extra crafty, cut a zigzag out of felt and sew it on. I didn't know how to sew back then, so I took the easy route.

Step three: Use an eyebrow pencil to draw a curlicue on his forehead.

Step four: Pair this with dark pants, a football and whatever under-the-T layers you need to keep your kid warm.


Super fast, super cheap, super cute and memorable.


  1. I am a huge Peanuts fan, so I could not resist this. I LOVE it, Krista! So clever and simple, and I love the curlicue on the forehead. Awesome costume.

  2. My little guy just turned one and he's going to be Charlie brown for Halloween! I'm your newest followe from Can't wait to check out the rest of your site.

  3. This is awesome, such a wonderful idea on halloween costume! Thanks for sharing them as I was really looking for some awesome and cool homemade halloween costume ideas to get on Halloween since it's just few days away. Kudos to you!

    ~ Barbara
