
Monday, September 26, 2011

Presents for Kim Kim

I said good-bye to a dear friend last week. My friend Kim. She moved to China, and she'll be there at least three years. Maybe five.

She's very dear to me. She's the kind of friend who brings you flowers for no reason. She did this for me at least five times. She's the kind of friend who comes over when you are feeling like shit and plays with your kids and brings fresh squeezed orange juice that cost $7 for a half-gallon AND the most delicious chicken pot pie you can ever imagine. She's the kind of friend who listens when you cry about your kids, your job, your mother, you husband, whatever, and then somehow makes you realize that you're silly because your life is really, really blessed. She's a kind soul, one of the best I've ever met. She's amazingly kind-hearted, nice to everyone, always giving of her time, her things, her talents. She's always wanted to live abroad and this is an amazing opportunity for her and her husband. I'm happy for her. And I'm going to miss her so, so much.

She hates having her picture taken. So I have hardly any to share.

Here's one from our last girls' night out.

Me, Aimee, Kim and Kelly
I fretted for months about what to get her before she left. I wanted to give her some parting gift. She's a fabulous, thoughtful gift giver, so this makes it tougher. Right?

I settled on two things. First, when Anna of Noodlehead came out with her new bag patterns, I immediately thought of Kim. Kim loves handbags and accessories of all kinds, and she has been super encouraging about my sewing habit. And it's called the Go Anywhere bag. I figure, hey, she can go to China with it!

Used a nice heavyweight houndstooth, a yellow patterned Olive and S fabric, and some of my Jessica Jones Outside Oslo home decor fabric, too. Inside is a purple Joel Dewberry wood print. I love it and have been hording it for months now, trying to figure out where to use it. I love these colors -- yellow, black and white, and then the pop of purple inside.

There are tons of details in this bag. A pocket inside, a pleated front with three pockets and a large pocket with a magnetic closure in the back.

Pleats are a little scary. Mine turned out only so-so. But this is a great pattern, and I'm excited to make another one. This is a big, roomy bag that can hold a ton. Very useful!

I hope she loves it! (And she said she does. :) )

So that was part of the gift. I also wanted something that had more of my boys in it. Because Kim is amazing with them. She's as much a part of their lives as she is a part of mine. Luke is going to miss her like crazy, as much as a three-year-old is capable of missing someone.

I stumbled one night onto the etsy shop called FlashyFish and found a vintage glass locket that was just perfect.  Here's the listing.

I wanted one side to be pretty, and the other to have a picture of the boys. So I took this painting that Luke did:

I scanned it into my computer and scaled it way down, then printed it out. I also printed out a cute photos of the boys taken this summer. Popped them in the locket, and seriously, why are lockets so dang sentimental. I wanted to cry just looking at it!

I must get one for myself. I really loved it. Kim opened it and didn't say anything, and I think that was because it choked her up a bit. Either that or she hated it. But I'm pretty sure it was the first thing. I really hope she loves it. Cause I love her. :)

If you want to follow Kim on her adventure, she has a blog!

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Creative Itch Sew Happy Geek Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Lovely bag! Your friend sure is lucky! Love the purple Zebra on the inside too!

  2. So thoughtful, Krista. I know she loves them both. And heck, that locket had me all choked up, so I am sure she loves it with all her heart. You did good, girl. :)

  3. Krista, the bag and locket are amazeballs!!! So so creative and thoughtful.

    I know she loved it all. In fact, she had the same silent reaction when I gave her the scrapbook. Well at least I hope so, otherwise, she must hate that too ;)

  4. Both of your gifts were super sweet! I really love both ideas!
