
Monday, August 8, 2011

Wherein I try to catch things up

I swore I'd keep my posting schedule going even with work. And I swore I'd never be the blogger who whined about how she was too busy to post, and WHOA no post in a week, what the hell happened?

So. Moving on.

Work is going well! My schedule is really perfect for me, as is the working-at-home-almost-all-the-time-bit. So I'm really happy, like pinch-myself-can-this-really-last happy. We'll see. I've also been occupied keeping up with both our Dads in the hospital (they're fine) and my new workout regime (four classes a week). Busy girl, this one.

Oh! And I have done some sewing. But oh no! No photos yet. So I can only tease you. I hope to take some photos soonish and start some sharing. One project is complete, and one is melting my heart but only about half done. I've also been continuing to get my sewing space spruced up and organized, and I've also been pondering the price of all this. Like the literal cold hard cash price of it all. And there is another installment of The Sewing Circle interviews coming this month, soon, like as soon as I send her the questions already.

Oh oh! And I am thisclose to 100 followers. When I get there, I'm going to do a giveaway. Because that's the way things work right? And also because I really want to make something for you, because I can't believe 100 people follow me. How did that happen?! (And really, thank you.)

So that's what is coming.

And to not leave you totally without something pretty to look at, I offer this.

OK, not that pretty.

Kinda scary though, huh?


  1. Follower 99 here.........only one to go. Cute blog.

    Amanda xox

  2. Drew has 2 of those things. He calls them "spiders."

    Must go back to Rust Belt Market soon - you down? My friend and I loved it. I am going to be contacting some vendors about their wares for Christmas presents!

    I am glad your Dads are OK! Scary!

    Also, glad your work schedule is working out.

    Ok, done monopolizing your blog now. ;)

  3. So glad to hear that work is going well, Krista :)
